The gold Rush


Whether you're a part-time prospector, dedicated metal detectorist or rockhound, there has never been a better time to get involved in the modern-day Gold Rush! Not only is treasure hunting a hobby that can pay you back, it's an activity the entire family can enjoy together in the great outdoors.

This is the part that excites me! Price per gram = 43.26 Ounce = 1,345.45 on Mar 29

  • Specimen: A naturally formed large gold nugget or gold-laced quartz specimen
  • Nugget: A naturally formed lump of gold that is big enough to put in a poke and likely won't fit in a typical small vial, depending on its shape
  • Picker: A piece of visible gold large enough to easily pick up with your fingers
  • Flake: A piece of gold that is large enough to easily spot but is difficult to pick up with your fingers
  • Fines: Particles of gold too small to pick up with your fingers
  • Gold Dust: Very, very fine particles of gold that resemble dust
  • Flour: Gold particles that are barely visible to the naked eye
  • Micron Gold: Particles that are invisible to the naked eye
  • Color: Any amount of visible gold - usually smaller than a nugget - that you find in your pan
With today's gold prices you don't have to find much to completely pay your equipment off. I recommend for all of your gold prospecting needs. Get your gold fever on!


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